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​In 1990 Jordi Pujol planned media control

The independence roadmap is not new. In 1990, Jordi Pujol ordered the Editorial of a document that has been followed until we have now reached the current situation. While I was in charge of this document, I was still negotiating with the governments of Madrid and giving them support both for the government and for the parties that supported it in the approval of laws in Parliament (Congress of Deputies). It was the perfect strategy of a politician who in their day was considered a "Stateman" but ended up being under investigation for corruption along with other family members.

Jordi pujol

The document was developed by a team of ideologists of the Generalitat belonging to his party. The newspaper Periódico de Catalunya, leaked the document on October 28th 1990 'Goals. Development of the following lines of awareness'.

Configuration of the Catalonian personality. Explanation and empowerment of the basic, defining and positive axes of our collective personality. Selection and dissemination of the concepts that allow the maximum strengthening of our people (be more educated, more modern, more civic, more supportive, more European, love work, taste for a job well done, consolidate their roots, validity of Christian values...) in accordance with the challenges posed by the current world.

Dissemination of the history and Catalonian nationhood. Dissemination of the crucial events in our history and our historical figures, as well as the contribution of the Catalonian people to European culture and science. Promotion of popular festivals, traditions, customs and their mythical background.

New concept of nation within the European framework. Catalonian Countries (Països Catalonians), an emerging European nation. Reaffirmation of the Europeanist sentiment. Europe without borders has to be a Europe that recognizes nations.

Discovery of future potential. Catalonia (Països Catalonians), as centre of gravity of the south of the EEC. Preferential economic-cultural performance on the north-western Mediterranean arc and the Occitan-Catalonian area. Maximum attention to the core included in the space formed by the Barcelona-Montpellier-Toulouse triangle. We also have to take into account the relationship between Catalonia and Aragon and area of mutual understanding from Alicante to the Alps.

The demographic factor. Only the people who are young advance. We need to make our people aware of the need to have more children to guarantee our collective personality.

Memory of grievances. Catalonia is a nation that has been discriminated against that cannot freely develop its cultural and economic potential. Discovery, verification, evaluation and dissemination of discriminatory facts, deficiencies, and so on, in a clear, forceful and systematic way. Point out the negative impact that this has had for the entire Catalonian people and for everyone in its society.

Collective awareness. Catalonia is a people that goes in search of its sovereignty within the European framework. Citizen awareness to strengthen the social spirit. Shoring up of our own centre of gravity within Europe. Reform of the Estatut d'Autonomia (regional legislation).

Social side. Greater freedom for Catalonia means greater social welfare for all its general public. Nationalist sentiment and national liberation has to be linked to the social promotion of people and their own individual and collective fulfilment.

Configuration of the individual personality of the Catalonian general public: We want men and women of strong convictions and trained to deal with a powerful Catalonia.

Revitalize the concept of Catalonia, as a living, cohesive civil society, with a sense of belonging, generating material and spiritual wealth.

Fully exercise sovereignty in all those spaces where we have powers.

Fundamental activities:

We need to bring together different groups of people, institutions and associations that are determined to develop the lines of awareness mentioned above and to disseminate their content.

Effective influence on all media through people who have greater positive social influence. At the same time, entities with a cultural extension and training that include this nationalized content should be promoted and increased.

The awareness campaigns that are organized have to be based on the promotion of popular festivals, traditions, customs and national mythology. The empowerment of the family model that guarantees biological substitution. Reform of the Statute of Autonomy with its corresponding explanation of reasons. Get Catalonia to be a European district and strengthen Barcelona, capital of Catalonia, as a meeting place in the Occitan-Catalonian space, etcetera.

Publish books, awareness articles and support material for the activities of each area (brochures, videos, cassettes, maps, political parties, and so on). In this line, a list of foundations, entities and existing publishers where we can work to choose with, or where necessary, edit and publish, if appropriate, the necessary awareness material.

Finally, a sociological research and public opinion studies office, in addition to the Museum of the History of Catalonia, should be created in Barcelona.

We need to show a special interest in the control of the media, whose objectives are to ensure that the public media dependent on the Generalitat continue to be effective transmitters of the Catalonian national model. To this end, the concepts related to Catalonian national identity will be used and clearly disseminated:

Purification of the language. We need to use a standard Catalonian and without mistakes, taking into account the different phonetics.

Enable a global programming in Catalonian among all television channels, with a higher percentage among radio stations.

A better and wider diffusion of the Catalonian cultural products with productions about facts, characters, episodes of our history and a greater attention to current cultural reality, Catalonian social science.

Extend the framework of action of the audiovisual media to the scope of the Catalonian Countries with greater attention to the regions. Reception of the of 11/3 Channel 33 signal and TVV from any point of the Catalonian Countries through a bold policy of attracting popular audience.

Dissemination of the content of sensitization lines developed for the field of thought (development of the state of national opinion).

Projection of the Catalonian communication space through co-production with European televisions, European programmes, and so on, that allow the dissemination of our national language and identity.

Expand the reach of Catalonian national radio stations to the medium wave.

Strengthen the written press in Catalonian.

Influence the initial training of journalists and communication technicians to ensure a preparation with Catalonian national awareness. 

Create the code for communications. 

Induce companies and publicity to create a positive and well-formed publicity message that transmits the Catalonian cultural and social model.

Normalize the production of the Catalonian cinema presententation, as well as the dubbing of videos in Catalonian.

To carry out these policies we need to achieve:

Introduce nationalist people of high professionalism and a high technical qualification in key media positions.

Convert the "Avui" newspaper into a nation-wide newspaper, endowing it with the necessary technical means as regards editors, correspondents and collaborators that turn it into a competitive medium. Act in a similar way with a general information weekly magazines.

Encourage strategies so that magazines and publications in Catalonian cover all national ranges and, particularly, facilitate the passage to Catalonian of the regional newspapers of Lleida and Tarragona, as well as other media.

Develop a Catalonian news agency, with a national spirit and enormous solvency.

Carry out a campaign to promote reading habits among the general public of Catalonia and the Catalonian Countries. Ask for the collaboration of the editors.

Development of video collections with the most successful films translated into Catalonian. Develop a TV3 video production company and disseminate programmes using this support.

Influence the normal channels of distribution as long as they better disseminate Catalonian cultural products.

Reach agreements with the main film distributors, so that everyone has the corresponding Catalonian version and ensure that at least ten major and premiere films are screened in Catalonian, as well as 20 videos.

That TV3 extend the acquisition of the rights of films that are dubbed in Catalonian to the rights of diffusion (video, screen).

Sign agreements with other television channels to make series or reports on personalities or events in Catalonia.

Ensure that the Generalitat of Catalonia stations broadcast on the medium and the short wave.



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