Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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in this issue

Carlos Carnero. Managing Director of the Alternatives Foundation

There is too much literature about Greece, an excessive number of witty phrases pulled easily from their mythology or classic stories, an overwhelming avalanche of philosophical musings about the country and the European Union, when in fact everything is simpler than it seems
Gerard De Josep. Journalist

In 1974, when Greece left the dictatorship of the colonels (1967-1974), the legendary Andreas Papandreou founded the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (Pasok), a leftist party built on the foundations of those social groups who had participated in the resistance.
Sofia Tipaldou. Political scientist

Greece is getting prepared for the notorious trial neo-Nazi Golden Dawn, scheduled for April 20. A total of 69 members and followers of Golden Dawn, one of Europe's most extreme political formations, will be tried for numerous crimes of the Greek penal code, like running and belonging to a criminal organization, illegal gun possession, attempted murder, racist violence, and anti-Semitism acts, to name only a few.

Elias Nicolacopoulos. Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of Athens
Irene Martín. Professor of Political Science at the Autonomous University of Madrid

If anything can be said of the elections last January the 25th, it is that it was a decisive step in the consolidation of a new party system in Greece. The economic crisis has opened Pandora's Box and there are several countries in which, for some time, the partisan map is being reshaped. But we can say that for Greece, it has a particularly clear route ahead



Ramón Jáuregui. Socialist MEP

In the title and I express my feelings about the interesting debate surrounding the arrival of Syriza in government in Greece, and controversial push and pull is is having with the European institutions
Isidoros Karderinis. Economist and writer

It is exactly five years since Greece joined the European Support Mechanism with the close cooperation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). At that time, the key and critical financial data were the following: GDP amounted to 222.151 thousand million at the end of 2010.
Nicolas Delalande. ¿Books and Ideas?. (La Vie des Idées)

Interviewed by Nicolas Delalande for Vie des idées, on 27 February 2012, the words of Anastassios Anastassiadis help explain where the Greek state's fiscal difficulties come from, and highlights the role of inequalities and sheds new light on what is currently happening in the country.

Jorge Fabra Utray.Economist

These days, when we talk about Greece, we may have to start by giving a warning about the misrepresentation of words.

Ignacio Pérez. Professor of the International Business Programme at the UAO CEU

The recent election result that occurred in Greece with the almost absolute majority of the leftist coalition, Syriza, provokes, once again, confrontations and tensions (some latent, others explicit) within the European Union. However, this time it is an all-out battle at all levels: political, economic, identity and financial. Let's take a look at it in parts. Let's start with the political part.

Carmen P. Flores. Journalist

The crisis is hitting the poorest countries of the European Union hard; most obviously, Greece suffers the consequences of it. Earlier this year, after the most radical change in its history, the country of the great philosophers, enthusiasm and hope returned to their suffering people.
Carmen P. Flores. Journalist

The crisis is hitting the poorest countries of the European Union hard; most obviously, Greece suffers the consequences of it. Earlier this year, after the most radical change in its history, the country of the great philosophers, enthusiasm and hope returned to their suffering people.


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