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Readjustment or economic crisis for this 2019

En este número


Many economic specialists talk about a possible economic crisis that could start this year: the concern is evident in the global economic sector.

Diana Posada Restrepo Consultant in the area of markets in Afi

The year begins amid general pessimism about the future of world growth.

Víctor Echevarría Icaza Icaza Ph.D in Economics, Econometrics, Statistics and Analysis

It has recently suffered an increase in risks in the growth scenario both globally and in Spain, generating doubts about the evolution of economic activity in the future.

Federico Steinberg y José Pablo Martínez Real Instituto Elcano

The world economy should continue to grow in 2019, although less than in previous years. However, geopolitical risks accumulate and could lead to surprises.

Antonio Argandoña Professor Emeritus in ESE Business School, University of Navarra

There is a Catalan saying that can be translated as "the one who spends days, pushes the year forwards". I like the motto for companies: it is valid for all years, but I think it is particularly relevant as regards 2019.

Mario Hernández Zambrano Colombian businessman

The outlook for the world economy is worsening and there is an idea, getting more and more widespread, that in 2019 it will slow down

​Mª Jesús Fernández Senior Economist of Funcas

The growth of Spanish GDP in 2018 slowed to a rate of 2.5%, but the quarter-on-quarter rate remained stable in the third quarter at 0.6% .

Ignacio Muro Benayas Professor of Journalism at Carlos III University

The tough here and now, with our confused and fractured societies, also expresses itself through a clearly visible line that connects and links the features of a new type of power that extends into quite different spaces.

Santiago Carbó Valverde Professor of Economics at CUNEF and Director of Financial Studies at Funcas

The last few months have been marked by a slowing of the European and Spanish global macro-economy.

Luis Moreno Ph.D in Social Sciences from the University of Edinburgh

It has been asserted that Europe, and particularly the Eurozone, is not grown to cope with a new economic crisis.

Ramón Alfonso Professor at the Department of Business and Economics of the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

To understand the prospects for financial markets in 2019, we need to remember the uncertainty and volatility of 2018.

Gonzalo Velasco Monasterio ​Political analyst of the Alternativas Foundation

Spain and Portugal are two of the countries that hardest hit by the economic crisis in Europe.

Carmelo Mesa-Lago Professor Emeritus of Economics and Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburg

After an agreement signed in 2001 with Hugo Chávez, Cuba began exporting professional services (mainly health personnel) to Venezuela, which bought 75% of these services.

Germán Gorraiz López Financial analyst

The global economy would be threatened by the emergence of neo-protectionist measures in the First World countries.



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