Sunday, May 5, 2024
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< view full issue: Cibersecurity
Carmen P. Flores

​Cybersecurity: necessary or just a business?

Editor of TEJ. Journalist

The technological changes in today's society have meant a considerable improvement for daily life. Without doubt, companies have incorporated new technologies as tools that facilitate and improve their work. However, technological dependence also implies a risk that has been increasing in parallel. Are companies safe with new technologies? It depends on the measures they have adopted throughout their growth, particularly if we take into account the belligerence there is in cyberspace. Lawmakers have begun to treat the issue decisively, although the resources are more than limited at the present time.

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Recent cyberattacks, perpetrated by new computer hackers, exhibition us that, without preventive measures, all companies are exposed to being "assaulted" by money-hungry hackers. We should not forget that each time, the attacks are more sophisticated and their authors leave no traces behind that we can learn from. At the moment, network crime costs its author too little.

Pirates' objectives range from stealing information related to production processes to shut down companies' operations, appropriating the list of clients and of course, charging money to replace the system attacked.

We have not had to wait too long for the intervention of governments in this war, according on the potential of each country. At the end of 2013, the Spanish Government approved the National Cybersecurity Strategy and a year later, the National Cybersecurity Plan was approved, derived from the agreed strategy. Likewise, both the Commission and the European Parliament have worked to regularize and provide coordination instruments to the sector to combat cybercrime, with decisive and dissuasive actions.

Companies are therefore aware of the need to protect themselves and for some years now have been investing considerably of money in cybersecurity as a preventive measure in legitimate defence of their businesses. This is why a thriving business around cybersecurity has sprung up, one of the most thriving today. According to studies, by 2025 about 825,000 jobs with a quite specialized profile will have been created in companies dedicated to Cybersecurity throughout Europe.

The unknown origin of the authors of this cybercrime also remains in "the cloud", although authoritative voices maintain that cyberattactants do indeed have a name, although it has not yet been proven effectively. With this special issue on Cybersecurity, our gentle readers will get enough data to clear some of the doubts they might have on a highly topical topic. We are sure that, by the time you get to the final article, you will be better informed.



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