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2016 in brief

Enrique Cabrera Marcet Professor of Fluid Mechanics-Polytechnic University of Valencia

These days, no one argues that the sustainable management of water is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity in this 21st century. And possibly it is the greatest.

Montserrat Termes PhD in Economics - University of Barcelona. Technical advisor in Cetaqua

In most articles and books on water we find the assertion that water is essential for life. However, and even if this is obvious, it seems that our actions often contradict this statement.

Jaime Lamo de Espinosa Professor UPM Professor "Jean Monnet". European Commission

The world's water resources of fresh water or "blue water", understood as such the water of rivers and lakes as well as groundwater, are 35 million km3 of which 69/70% is ice.

Miguel A. Ródenas President of the River Segura Hydrographic Confederation

It is often the case that areas with better climactic conditions (hours of light, absence of frost, and so on) for irrigated fruit and vegetable cultivation are not the best endowed in terms of water resources.

Francisco Javier Sánchez Directorate General for Water of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment

Year after year, we prove to ourselves yet again how, both in Spain and in the rest of Europe, floods are the natural phenomenon that causes the more material and human damage.

Pedro Michelena President of the PPP Forum

The PPP Forum is a not-for-profit association open to all companies related to infrastructures, in different sectoral areas.

Gonzalo de Castro Senior Executive, Latin American Development Bank (CAF)

The universe of water users in Latin America comprises 600 million people. Of these, 36 million do not have access to an improved service of drinking water and 110 million do not have access to sanitation.

Víctor Galilea President of ANDESS

Chile is a country not only of contrasts but also of natural catastrophes. Since 1960, it has suffered a dozen earthquakes of a magnitude greater than 8 on the Richter scale.

Osmar Ludovico Sarubbi President of the Sanitation Services Company of Paraguay (ESSAP S.A.)

Paraguay is a competitive country. Located among the most efficient, it is a producer of food at a global level, is reducing poverty, promoting social development and promoting innovative habitats.


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