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2018, a year of populism, corruption and media under control

En este número

John Slocum Guest researcher at the CIDOD

How do we explain the resurgence of populism in one country after another? Maybe in terms of common structural conditions or passive diffusion of ideas across contexts?

Cesáreo Rodríguez-Aguilera Professor of Political Science at the University of Barcelona

Politics in polyarchies today seems to pivot around two major trends: on one hand, the establishment Political Parties, and on the other, the anti-system.

José Luis Meilán Gil Professor of Administrative Law

Nationalism and Populism are two issues that have gained general interest in this stage of history, characterized by globalisation.

Ignacio Molina Principal European Researcher at the Elcano Royal Institute

Three years ago, the so-called sovereignty process was unleashed and external attention on the Catalonian political situation has been increasing.

Rogelio Pérez-Bustamante Professor Jean Monnet

Over the last few years, the European Union has created a "European Justice Area" based on the adoption of measures to advance judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters.

Stefan Braum Professor at the University of Luxembourg

On March 21st, 2018, the Spanish justice issued a European arrest warrant against the president of the Catalonian regional government, Carles Puigdemont.

José Molina Molina Doctor of Economics and Sociology

The kidnapping of the public sector by the large economic groups that live entrenched within the structures of the State in pursuance of their own objectives is alarming.

Fernando Jiménez Sánchez University of Murcia

The IDE 2014 of the Alternativas Foundation dedicated a chapter to the Bárcenas-Gürtel case, the Palau case and the case of the Andalusia Regional Government ERE.

Carmen P. Flores Editor of TEJ. Journalist

An interview with Jorge Jaraquemada, a lawyer by profession and Executive Director of the Jaime Guzmán Foundation of Chile, was President of the Council for Transparency of Chile.

Karel De Gucht European Commissioner for Trade

Many countries are currently liberalising trade through bilateral and regional free trade agreements.

Peru Erroteta Journalist

Throughout history, protectionism has often gone hand-in-hand with nationalism.

Jordi López Santín Member of the Trade Union Section of CCOO in the CCMA and the TV3 Company Trade Union Representatives Committee

The CCMA, a corporation that brings together TV3, Catalonia Radio and the respective Digital Media, during the tripartite governments endured an attempt to rationalize its structure.



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