Saturday, May 18, 2024
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Francisco Luis Benitez. Political scientist.

Yes, but not yet. The answer has to be that firm. I'm sorry for my English friends. Indeed, all of them Europeans, because they have been "contaminated" with ideas and relationships of other European and European continent. This comes from travelling and meeting "other" people, you get vaccinated against stupidity and intolerance.

But having said that, I return to the words of the President of the Commission on Saturday June 25 in his statement to the press: Out is out, and this is what the British have voted. And so it should be, because the popular mandate is there to be fulfilled, because democratic procedures require it to be so.

It opens up a crisis, but the etymological concept of crisis is change, and so we have to understand it thus. Our British members have always been the obstacle to progress towards the Union (which has been used as an alibi by other members), but we should regard this as an opportunity. For several reasons

? It is obvious that the UK should leave the EU, at all levels, without a customised exit and without any concession: out is out. So that stupid Farage in the European parliament has asked that issues of freedom of goods be outside Brexit. Nope! Out is out!

? There now comes a long and complex legal process, in which several possibilities already are apparent and talk about the "Norwegian option" or the "Canadian" being the most appropriate. I put this link here so that you can find out about all the possibilities that there are now on the table: The European offer a Post Brexit Britain, which have been well explained on the Es Global website;

? Without the Tories in the European parliament, and without a British Prime Minister, we can make progress towards a future political union, which should not be at equal speeds, as Viviane Redding already explained during the last European elections. Moreover, it is an opportunity to reform the failed Economic and Monetary Union, which has started to weigh heavily on people and their role in the European Union;

? Now is the time for the epic "longtermism". The 27 have to ask themselves what our place is in our history as Europeans: Divided into nation-states agonically awaiting our decline, or going forward together, writing a new chapter in history? Here there is a clear problem and dilemma. In Europe, there is no leadership and the only one that exists, that of crumbly Merkel, who only gives priority to German interests above the Europeans when she acts, with a political doctrine that narrows and squanders our future options;

? British internal matters. It is this, internal issues, and we must understand it as such. However much sympathy we feel for Scotland or Northern Ireland wanting to belong to the Union, either by way of the independence of the first case or Irish reunification in the second; both options depend on a dismemberment of a nation-state and this requires democratic processes well-defined in the British legal system and in the TFEU;



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