Friday, May 10, 2024
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Carmen P. Flores. Journalist 

The economic crisis that began in 2007 has affected all business sectors to a greater or lesser degree, but none as much as the press that, from a few years ago had suffered serious losses that forced the major publishers, looking at their profit and loss statement, to adopt very painful measures from which newsroom journalists as emblematic as La Vanguardia, El País and El Mundo did very badly.

The emergence of digital journalism, with lower costs and the possibility for the reader to get the information instantly, has made new generations abandon the paper press to its fate and left this function almost exclusively to their parents and grandparents, those who still have not understood the advantages of internet. The adherents of newspaper supplements are the other small group that make it possible for print to still survive, however experts do not dare to predict for how long. That remains to be seen, because there are opinions, the same as there are witches, for all tastes.

Someone wrote these days that "We are living the best time for journalism and the worst for the media". It is true, because with new technology we can obtain data, information, and long list of features that greatly facilitates the work of journalists and also their opinion can transcend any border... The digital press has, at present, significant advantages over paper. The number of readers is much higher which, naturally, tends even to specialization, looking for that niche that satisfies all their interests. For journalists, this is a new, challenging, even frightening world, in which you feel like a god, but at the same time a victim of the technology that reworks the information based on the audience which social networks have made accustomed to flashy headlines and scandalous photojournalism. The so-called positioners have taken over the cloud, and only they are the kings of mass journalism.

In this issue dedicated to the press, its future, the changes we have left to experience, its own survival, to coexistence, peaceful or not, between the paper and digital press, but above all, the valuable reflection of a group of journalists and teachers about the future that awaits those who make news and those who read it. Their findings will be very useful to us, we understand, to better comprehend a sector that is compulsory in any democratic society. It will be worth it, as you continue to read, because our contributors certainly will not disappoint you.



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