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The top 5 climate lies in 2015

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Eduardo Ferreyra. President of the Argentinean Foundation for Scientific Ecology (FAEC)

2015 is over. And as in previous years, the catastrophic weather cultists were very busy lying to our faces, exaggerated statements or carefully cherry-picking their data. Since the mainstream media travel aboard the same boat, here you have what you have not seen on TV or read in the newspapers.

This is the hottest year on record

The year of a worshiper of hot climate would not be complete without affirming that "this has been the warmest year ever recorded." To make matters worse, they are so convinced of their own nonsense to have already predicted that 2016 will be still warmer year yet.

Of course, again, this is nothing but hot air. Indeed, 2015 was a hot year due to strong El Niño, but the satellite data shows that the year has been the third warmest of the past 19 years. This satellite information is much more accurate because it is not influenced by heat islands or extrapolations of places without official thermometers. Some scientists even call into question the validity of global average temperatures.

The claims that 2015 was the warmest year on record comes surely from the records that NASA was "adjusting" or "homogenized", that is to say, falsifying deliberately and shamefully. NASA / GISS must demonstrate -explain precisely- why are still "adjusting" modern temperatures towards the hot end, even in 2015. We have every right to remain sceptical of any information that comes from them.

And even if the surface temperatures were real, they are still well below that predicted by climate models.

The Arctic is warmer than it has been in 110 years

About the record heat, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently asserted that the North Pole is hotter than it ever has been in the past 110 years, or since they started recording temperatures in the Arctic. Very strangely, this heat there was the year that the extent of Arctic ice, year by year, reached its highest in more than a decade. And once again the information from the satellites NOAA cools the assertion of a year of record heat. Incidentally, there is a warming trend since 1979, but has been essentially a flat trend since 2003.

Besides, why start with 1979 instead of 1974 as the IPCC did once in one of its reports?



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