Monday, May 6, 2024
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Carmen P. Flores

Carmen P. Flores. Journalist

Since June 2013, the European Commission, the US government and they say also, behind the scenes, business lobbies, are negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agreement (TTIP), which aims to align regulations on both sides of the Atlantic. At first, this may not seem such a bad idea, if it was not for what the parties involved explain does not correspond to the reality of the project, which if approved someday, would be a catastrophe for the people of both continents.

From both sides of the Atlantic, they have been trying to sell us this treaty as the magic formula to end the crisis, but neglected to mention that the agreement would mean the biggest loss of rights ever seen. According to what we have heard, we are before a contemporary version of the legendary Trojan horse, a very belligerent portion of society has decided to denounce with very strong action. So much so that, at the moment when we are editing this publication, the European Parliament has suspended approval of it because, according to the president, Martin Schulz, there have been more than 200 amendments and requests for voting by instalments and to vote for different parts separately have made it inviable. Nor should we forget that the European Citizens' Initiative "Stop TTIP" platform gathered the not inconsiderable figure of two million signatures with the slogan "No to the TTIP". Public pressure has made MEPs, in many cases, change their mind and, therefore their voting intentions. Tension is in the air and no one dares to predict what may happen with the project in the highest European institutions.

Medicines, food and other products that are not subject to current controls. Cuts labour rights, even there will not even be recognition of the ILO. Wild privatisation in health and education, which foresee a terminal phase in the welfare state are among the misfortunes that come upon us, to which the shameful counterpoint will be large companies will have more privileges and on top of that, if they believe that they are not earning enough, can sue governments. And if that was not enough, we will thin the air we breathe given that that the environment will be severely affected by the increased production of CO2 roaming freely.

These are some of the countless pearls contained in the TTIP, which is now being fought rather than being debated in Parliament and in the various opinion forums, heating up all environments, something that, we do not want to be, or cannot let ourselves be, left out. Therefore, we wanted that this new Economy Journal number, the people involved, specialists in the area and pundits of all colours and trends, explain the TTIP to us. We are sure that you will not remain indifferent when you read their contributions, given that in them you will have sufficient information to form your own opinion on an issue that is not yet over, and will affect you personally. Hopefully, this time the big fish will not eat the small, which is what usually happens.



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